The Attachment of Dark Forces and Spirit Entities
Did you know that spirit attachment is the most common form of energetic sickness that affects more then 75% of the population in the USA?
Spirit attachment is the attachment of non-physical energetic beings which attach to the human energy field (aura).
These spirit attachments are human souls who have died and not crossed over to the next world.
Because they did not cross over they became stuck on earth as either whole souls or parts of souls.
These earthbound human souls and soul parts attach to humans to continue their life on earth, to live from the energy from humans and to maintain some type of control and power over humans.
The majority of people with spirit attachments usually will never know it and will live out their entire lives with these attached entities.
Another type of attachment is called “Dark Force Attachment”.
Dark force attachment is the attachment of non-human dark energy (negative and fear) based beings who are tasked or sent to this planet with the intent of causing harm, misery, and pain, and to steal the energy and power of humans.
Dark forces are a much more darker and negative form of energy then spirits and they cause deeper and more serious issues in the people they possess. Both Dark forces and spirits cause a host of problems mostly related to emotional, mental and energy level issues.
This invisible energy and power battle has been on earth since the beginning of human existence, although it has been mostly unknown and
misunderstood due to the lack of truthful information surrounding non-physical energy.
These dark force and spirits attachments attach to people through cuts and holes in the energy field(aura).
The energy field (aura) is an invisible layer of energy which emanates from every person.
Cuts and holes develop in the energy field from weak emotions and a loss of personal power.
Personal power is lost through the use of drugs and/or alcohol, fear and Soul Loss.
-Weak emotions such as fear, anger, and other fear based emotions create weak and lower level energetic openings in the energy field and it is these energetic openings which allow the entry of these spirit and dark force attachments.
-Drugs and alcohol also create openings in the energy field because they weaken the energy field and energy and power of humans.
-Soul Loss is the loss of personal power and energy from traumatic experiences.
From a shamanic view point, the human soul is an energy and form of personal power which can become lost, stolen and separated from trauma.
Whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma a part of our soul leaves the body as a way to survive the traumatic experience.
In shamanic healing terms, this loss of soul or energy is called “Soul Loss”.
99% of people will have some sort of soul loss in their life unless they manage to live completely happy lives for their entire life. The more traumatic experiences you have in life the more soul parts you will lose and the bigger the cuts and holes will become in your energy field.
The more cuts and holes that develop in the energy field the easier you will become vulnerable to possession of dark forces and spirits.
A shamanic healer (energy healer) will perform an ancient healing method called “Soul Retrieval” which restores the lost and separated soul parts and closes any cuts and holes in the energy field. It is this healing method combined with a “spiritual Clearing” which restores personal power, energy, clarity of mind and emotional health. A spiritual clearing is an energy healing method of removing any attached dark forces and/or spirits.
The most common causes of soul loss are:
Prolonged pain, Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse as a child or adult, Domination by another person or a group (everything from peer pressure to religious cults), Allowing your soul to be stolen by another or others, Substance abuse and other addictions, Not being true to oneself; disowning or disallowing parts of oneself, Death of a child, parent, or close friend, Loss of a husband, wife, or lover , Sudden and unexpected loss of a meaningful job or career, A sudden accident resulting in physical trauma like car accidents, or sudden onset of a debilitating disease, Exposure to shocking or extremely stressful physical or psychological conditions or events – for example, witnessing a murder, serving in a war, undergoing chemical or radiation therapy,and Codependent relationships – where one has unconsciously given a part of one’s soul to another – say, in a parent/child or intimate relationship.
People that have dark forces and/or spirits attached to them may have been misdiagnosed with psychiatric problems or other emotionally or mentally related problems. But also people who have very stable or successful lives have dark forces and/or spirit attachments. Even people who are considered “spiritually advanced” such as healers, psychics, light workers, spiritual teachers, priests, etc., have been known to have spiritual attachments. It is not uncommon for the average person to have spiritual attachments. It does not matter what you have chosen to believe or what your religious preference or personality type or intelligence level is. If you have a damaged energy field you are vulnerable to them, if you create a “Doorway” to them you are vulnerable to them, if you are in a low vibration you are vulnerable to them and if you have soul parts missing you are vulnerable to them.
Dark forces and spirits are a major cause of:
emotional pain, depression, low energy levels (tiredness), constant fatigue, suicidal thoughts and/or attempts, drug and/or alcohol addictions, unhealthy addictions, over eating, hearing voices in the mind, strange or weird thoughts that don’t seem your own, being directed by an inner voice, most mental illness, mental or emotional instability, poor concentration, mood swings, multiple personalities, confusion, deep anger/aggressiveness, nightmares or any negative/terrifying dreams/day dreams, sleep paralysis, anxiety, paranoia, constant negative or fear based thoughts and/or emotions, waking up tired after a full night’s rest, criminal and/or violent behaviors, sexual abuse, mental noise (unclear thinking), dark thoughts and/or impulses, unexplained physical pain or problems without any known cause, constantly sabotaging yourself or others, negative beliefs, religious fanaticism, abusing or attacking others either emotionally, physically etc., energy stealing among people (psychic vampires), limited/lower consciousness, feelings of giving everything up, feeling your life is being controlled by something outside of yourself, constantly trying to control or have power over others, loss of your purpose/path in life, loss of your power/soul and more.
– Soul Retrieval and Entities
Soul retrieval is the most important form of healing on planet earth, besides entity removal. The restoration of lost soul parts and pieces is the main element in healing your spiritual self. Soul retrieval is also a very delicate, complex, and extremely personal form of healing. People lose parts of their soul, aura, and power usually from traumatic experiences, but it can also happen a number of other ways, such as giving your power away to others, or letting others take your power. Because soul retrieval is such a powerful and deep form of healing, it does require some personal alignment and changing of non-beneficial lifestyle choices. Soul pieces are very sensitive parts of our selves and if they feel like we are not living up to the agreement that we made with those soul pieces they will leave on their own. When soul pieces are called back by a shaman or well trained healer in soul retrieval, the soul parts come back with an agreement to stay with you. This agreement is that you will not recreate the same pain and problem that caused the soul piece to leave. This can be very confusing to some people as they think they can go get a soul retrieval and all of life will be perfect after. It does not really work like that. For one, all soul pieces that are lost from someone do not return all at the same time. Why? Because such an enormous amount of energy and power all coming back at once would definitely cause more problems to the individual then help. They would most likely not be able to handle all that power, energy, and emotion all at once. So soul pieces come in parts, that the higher soul feels you can handle at that moment. For instance say you are missing 5 really important and necessary soul pieces for basic wholeness, those 5 parts will not come back to you at once if your higher soul feels it is too much for you to handle at once. So soul parts come back to people in small parts. Now when they come back, an integration period takes place. This is when the soul parts ‘integrate’ and become a part of you. Integration is sometimes a long processes that can take anywhere from a month to a few months. During this time the soul piece or part is watching you and how you are dealing in life. It is sitting by your side making sure you are in total agreement with this new part of yourself. You need to understand that a lot of people desire healing, but many are not at the level of accepting healing. What that means is a part of yourself heals yourself, and if you are not in alignment with your true purpose in life, and you are not in total agreement with your souls purpose and well being, then healing will not occur. In shamanic healing soul retrieval, the shaman or practitioner can only assist in your healing by calling back those lost soul parts. The other part of healing is you following through with what your soul part needs from you to stay, the lesson it has to give you, and the reason for it leaving to being with. So soul retrieval is not like baking a cake. Some people have this impression that they go get soul retrieval healing and all of life is perfect after. They neither have the wisdom to see that it is all more complex then that, and that there is still much needed work involved in order to get to a level of complete wholeness. Some people have soul parts return to them, but because they are not in alignment with their true purpose and/or correcting the problem that caused the soul part to leave, the soul part may leave on its own. You can also do something that can cause the soul part to leave, such as go back to your old habits of drug use, drama, and creating unnecessary pain. Pain is the true reason why all soul parts leave. Our souls have a very intelligent consciousness and when they feel like we are not loving ourselves, they will create a separation from us. When we experience pain it is interpreted to the soul as reason to leave. Now all people handle pain and all trauma differently, so one person’s pain which causes a soul part to leave, may not happen with someone else who can handle the trauma and pain better. But generally when we are doing things which are unloving to ourselves and soul, our soul reads that as a reason to leave. So to end, Soul Retrieval is not a quick fix, in fact it may take many years to bring back all your lost soul parts, and it may take a lot of personal life changes to make all those soul parts integrate
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The Attachment of Dark Forces and Spirit Entities
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